University of Waterloo Industry Night

On Thursday March 16, Monteith & Sutherland helped represent the geomatics industry at the industy night organized by the Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering Society of the University of Waterloo. The evening brought together industry professionals from a variety of firms representing different fields of study within Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering. We met a lot of students and shared our experiences working on projects alongside Geological/Geotechnical Engineers completing deformation monitoring on various structures to ensure the on-going safety of construction activities. Special thanks to Grant Mitchell, Vice President of the Society, for putting together such a well-organized event.

IEC Safety Management Certified

Monteith & Sutherland has successfully completed the Safety Management Assessment (SMA) certification program developed by the Industrial Education Cooperative, assessed by the Sarnia-Lambton Industrial Educational Cooperative (IEC). The certification is awarded after a 3-year audit process which includes annual reviews of company policies and field visits to observe safety in action. The SMA was created in 2002, and has evolved through a series of revisions to the current integrated audit format, which provides a comprehensive analysis of an organization’s safety management practices. The audit consists of 12 elements that range from legislated safety management requirements to hazard identification and safety management practices in the field. Today more than 250 local, provincial and national contracting companies complete this audit as part of the local industrial plant pre-qualification requirements.

February Featured Project: Rapid Static GNSS Campaign

Task Overview: Rapid Static GNSS Campaign:

Technician Mark Paddey (pictured above) is documenting survey station parameters and diagramming the vicinity and any obstructions. Monteith & Sutherland established 16 control monuments along a 10km stretch of Highway 600. We used a classical static survey technique to establish our control values over such a large area. The rapid static GNSS technique using our Leica GNSS 1200 receivers can provide accuracies to the order of 1:5,000,000. Using our equipment, the accuracy expectations for horizontal coordinates are 3mm + 0.5ppm and vertical coordinates are 6mm + 0.5ppm, which are unmatchable over large distances with other survey techniques. Mark worked in conjunction with 3 to 4 other staff who established other receivers. Data is recorded on all receivers simultaneously at the same data rate, typically 5 seconds. Observation time for the rapid static campaigns are based on the length between the occupied points and also based on the number of available satellites. At least 4 satellites are required to resolve Latitude, Longitude, Height, and Receiver Time Offset. For this project, we completed two initial 2-hour baseline campaigns followed by shorter observation times on successive campaigns measuring each new point. This allowed us to properly complete the data reduction and post-processing of the satellite data and publish accurate coordinate for these new control monuments.


Complete Geospatial Solutions

From the design of complex geodetic networks through control surveys, gyroscopic verifications, monitoring, hydrographic surveying, detailed topo and HDL Scanning to UAV mapping, at Monteith & Sutherland we have expert personnel and precise equipment to provide trusted results. Monteith & Sutherland: Complete Geospatial Solutions.


Tunnel surveying | ECLRT Project

Monteith & Sutherland have been proud partners of Metrolinx, and provide high precision survey services in challenging conditions. In this particular project – performing differential levelling, total station traverses, gyroscopic verification surveys, and High Definition Laser Scanning for our client.

Monteith & Sutherland Remembers

Today, we would like pay tribute to our servicemen and women on our solemn day of remembrance. We want to honour their service and their sacrifice and show that we will never forget their ultimate sacrifice so that we have the opportunity to work in a better world.



Mill Woods Double Barrel Trunk Sewer Upgrade, Edmonton

Monteith & Sutherland Team is providing tunnel surveying support to CRS-Dibco JV at Mill Woods Double Barrel Trunk Sewer Upgrade Project, Tunnelling Phase, 23 Avenue NW, Edmonton. Our services include precise traversing and TACS guidance system operation, as well as surface settlement monitoring along the tunnelling operations path.



Edmonton Launch Shaft

1,776 stairs! Monteith & Sutherland raises money for WWF’s CN Tower charity climb

The Monteith & Sutherland team raised $840 for WWF’s CN Tower climb for nature on Sunday April 17, 2016. Five challengers braved the grueling annual event by running 1,776 steps (144 floors) to the observation deck of Toronto’s most famous landmark while making meaningful conservation possible for nature and wildlife. Together, the event raised over $1.1 million!

On the image (left to right) Marc Dudka, Vytautas Žiupka, Aleks Kubilius, Ernestas Bunevičius, and Mark Paddey

ECLRT Deformation monitoring at Bayview intersection

On the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit project we perform precise deformation monitoring, where we survey surface and building settlement points. There are approximately 4250 settlement instruments to be observed at varying frequencies over the course of the project, with 7 survey crews working together to complete daily monitoring tasks where there is active construction. One of the most challenging parts of this work is the traffic management. We work alongside On Track Safety Ltd and Toronto Police to manage the flow and safety of traffic, as well as the workers.

Summer safety gear

A fresh order of safety gear has arrived for the summer work being conducted at Monteith & Sutherland. Brand new hard hards, safety glasses, gloves, vests, and other important safety gear is ready for use by our new staff, especially summer students joining us from the University of Waterloo and York University.